
These are the beliefs which inform my worldview

The Bible is the Word of God. I prefer the King James Version for many reasons, all of which I will intimate upon request. Jesus Christ is God in human form, as the Bible clearly points out. All other religions (including Churchianity, of the stripe which blogger/author/philosopher-king Vox Day repeatedly maligns and disavows) are perversions of the truth or outright delusions, possibly--and most likely--inspired by demonic entities that fell from heaven. There is a spiritual realm that is far beyond our mortal scope of understanding, but it is one which is even more real than our physical reality, if that makes sense. I am comfortable in my beliefs because I have experienced the other end of the spectrum, namely Hinduism and related spirtualist belief systems. I have faith because God has proven Himself many times over to me, and after much research and prayer, I have come to the firm conclusion that faith and trust in Jesus Christ is the only way to find peace and to be saved from et